This section of Miradas explores the value of land and the knowledge and deeply rooted connection that comes with living on, with and from it. The two movies zoom into different stories and contexts, that give an insight into how people relate differently to the territory. While some see the land as a mere resource holding only material value, others perceive it as the basis of life and spirit, and in need of reciprocal care. The stories delve into these different ways of relating to our environment and the tensions and conflicts that arise from it.


These films, curated by Adriana Otero Puerto, will be shown as accompanying program for the exhibitions every Saturday from the 23rd of December until the 17th of  February 2024

Film still of Guardianes del Mayab


Guardianes del Mayab
Dir. Jaime Magaña
Mexico, 2013 - 33 min
Original Languages with English subtitles


Lucio Puc is an ayan jmen (shaman) of Yucatán. When he dies, he travels to the dimension of seven heavens. There he meets the báalam (guardians), through whom he obtains healing and wisdom powers, which he will use to return to life, and to help his fellow human beings. Guardians of Mayab is a documentary with the power to make visible what is not; it portrays belief in front of a sea of scepticism and show how many people from Yucatán continue living their traditions.

Film still from Laberinto Yo’eme


Dir. Sergi Pedro Ros
Mexico, 2019 - 87 min
Spanish with English subtitles


For centuries the Yaqui People in the North of nowadays Mexico have defended their territory, their life on the shores of the Yaqui river, and their cultural traditions. Since 2010, the local government in Sonora illegally diverts an annual volume of 75 million cubic meters of water from the river leading to severe water shortage for the Yaqui people. This situation has sparked struggles and resistances. In parallel, the Yaqui territories are flooded by methamphetamine, causing wide-spread addiction issues in the community.  The colluded external aggressions of local government and cartels leave the community in despair. However, the Yaqui People will not give up, searching for answers and a way forward in the depths of their cultural identity.